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This is how an editorial meeting at Neue Narrative works

In this guest article, Martin Wiens explains what a sync meeting is, how it works and what the most important components are.

Meetings nextMedia.Hamburg

I have spent too many hours of my life in editorial meetings 🥵.

My experience is that many editorial teams spend a lot of time in meetings, but spend very little time making these meetings functional. It's different at Neue Narrative. Our aim is to leave every meeting with more energy and clarity than when we came in.

In this article, I introduce our most important meeting type: the (editorial) sync meeting.

The standard structure of a good sync meeting 🧱

The sync meeting is an operational meeting based on the tactical meeting from the Holacracy organizational framework. It is used for quick and effective synchronization within the team. In the sync meeting, information is exchanged, next steps are defined and tensions that hinder work at an operational level are resolved. The sync meeting gives everyone in the team transparency about project progress.

At Neue Narrative, we have a lot of sync meetings, for example a funnel sync for the marketing team and an editorial sync for the editorial team. The meeting is always made up of the same building blocks:

Redaktions-Sync. Owner Taraneh Taheri. In einer kleinen Infomationsbox steht: 💡 Ein Sync-Meeting ist dafür da, sich als Team zu synchronisieren und Informationen zu aktuellen Projekten auszutauschen. Es betrifft die Arbeit in den eigenen Rollen. Der Redaktions-Sync findet jeden Dienstag von 15 bis 15 Uhr statt. Danach Folgt eine Auflistung mit der Überschrift "Agenda". Darunter die folgende Punkte: Check-in, DoD abgeschlossener Sprint, Sprint-Review, Design Review aktuell 149 Seiten, Offene Agenda, DoD aktueller Sprint, Check-out. Darunter beginnt das Dokument mit der Überschrift: Offene Agenda / Spannungen. nextMedia.Hamburg
A screenshot from the Notion workspace of Neue Narrative: This is what our original editorial sync agenda looks like.

Module 1: Check-in

Every Sync meeting starts with a check-in. This is important because the meeting is incredibly fast and sometimes cool, especially in a remote context. The check-in is there to arrive and give context to the current mood.

Building block 2: Standard agenda

The standard agenda consists of agenda items that recur at every meeting. These are topics that are always worth looking at together. In our editorial sync, these are the points:

  • "👟 DoD completed sprint": DoD stands for Definition of Done. In other words, we look together at what needs to have happened for the current sprint, for example the research phase, to be completed. This way, everyone present knows exactly where we want to be right now.
  • "📜 Sprint review": In this agenda item, we look together at each text in the process, share updates on it and determine specific next steps.

Building block 3: Open agenda

Unlike the standard agenda, the open agenda looks completely different at every sync meeting. All participants can contribute their questions, impulses and tensions here. Ideally, they enter their points in a shared list before the meeting. For each item, they indicate what they need so that it can be ticked off:

  • Get info ("I need information ...")
  • Share info ("I would like to share information with you ...")
  • Ask for to-do ("I would like to request a to-do from role XY ...")
  • Feedback round ("I need feedback from you on the following topic ...")

With New Narratives, depending on the complexity of the points, we sometimes manage to work through 20 agenda points in 20 minutes.

Building block 4: Check-out

"How do you leave the meeting? What do we want to do differently next time?"

Meeting learning path

In the associated meeting learning path on NeueMedien.org, I present other meeting formats that every team should know. I also share 9 practices for better meetings.

Martin Wiens wears an anthracite-colored knitted sweater and round horn-rimmed glasses. He has short dark blond hair and a short beard. nextMedia.Hamburg

About the author

Martin Wiens is co-founder of Neue Narrative. His goal is to build a prototype for the publishing house of the future. He prefers to develop processes in which people can develop content collaboratively and efficiently.

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This is how an editorial meeting at Neue Narrative works -

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