
Starting autumn 2020

Entertaining and in a relaxed atmosphere, but highly motivated and hands-on: With nextMedia.Live we offer a selected audience precisely tailored topics and discuss in a results-oriented manner what the future of the digital and media industry holds for us. Once a month we go “live”: One evening, one topic and 30 innovation-hungry media makers.

You want to place your topics on nextMedia.Live as a partner company and profit from the innovative power of our network? You can find all the information you need here.


Ihr wollt als Partnerunternehmen eure Themen bei nextMedia.Live platzieren und von der Innovationskraft unseres Netzwerks profitieren? Hier findet ihr alle Infos dazu.


The future of media is diverse and digital. Whether podcast boom, application potential of new technologies or innovative revenue models – the industry is on the move. What are the latest trends and where is it worth going deeper? Together with a Co-Host we work out questions on one of the following topics – and then go “live” with you once a month.

You have other topics on your mind that you would like to work on together with the experts of our network? Let us know!

Get together x Think Tank

Get together, inspire each other and work together on the future – in a two-hour digital session, we use the full potential of Hamburg’s networked media and digital scene. 


We get key players & burning issues of the media and digital scene onto the virtual stage.

Working Session

Concentrated power: In breakout sessions we develop concrete solutions.

Idea Pitches

Where do we stand? What are the next steps?

Get Together

Finally: Making new contacts and thinking ideas further

With the impulses of our partners we start the live session. After the first theoretical input it’s hands-on. Moderated and accompanied by our facilitator Wolfgang Wopperer-Beholz we go into brainstorming. In small groups we work out concrete solutions for the pressing questions of our industries. Afterwards we present our results to each other and discuss them in large groups. What happens now? Which approaches are worth pursuing further? Can potential cooperation partners be found directly?

There will be enough need for discussion afterwards – so we will end the evening together with a relaxed networking session.

Facilitator & Sense-Maker

A collaborative and result-oriented format like nextMedia.Live does not only live from motivated industry talents and inspiring innovation drivers*. It is also a question of the right method. That is why we have Wolfgang Wopperer-Beholz on board. Wolfgang takes over the moderation of the sessions and paves the way for innovative approaches.


nextMedia.Live lives from exchange, commitment and the conviction that innovations are best created in an open network. That is why we are looking for partner companies on the one hand, who bring in their topics as co-organisers, and on the other hand are motivated media makers who want to develop new solution ideas cooperatively with their expertise.


We offer the framework for your topics. As co-organizer you give the impulse for the evening. Together we will work out questions for the working sessions.

  • Visibility of own topics
  • Positioning as drivers of innovation
  • Exclusive & tailored network
  • New perspectives, exchange of knowledge & concrete approaches
  • Commitment to the media & digital scene of Hamburg
  • Professional organisation & support by nextMedia.Hamburg
  • Direct access to further live events

Take part

nextMedia.Live means get together and working sessions, networking and creating added value, relaxed but inspiring atmosphere: one evening, one topic and 30 creative, innovation-hungry media makers.

You are the right person for this format and want to contribute your expertise and motivation? Tell us why we should invite you to the next live event!