Further initiatives of the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft


nextMedia Leiterin Nina Klaß im Gespräch mit einer Panelgruppe

nextMedia.Hamburg is the first address and business support for media and digital companies in Hamburg.

We do business development,
that has a lasting effect.

Media and digital companies must constantly reinvent themselves in order to remain successful. Managing these changes alone is often challenging. That's why we support an entire industry, from technology-orientated start-ups to established media companies, on their path to a successful digital future. How do we do this?

We promote the development of new business ideas, support the transformation and give innovations a boost. Our innovation space in the heart of the Speicherstadt warehouse district plays a special role in this: here we bring together companies from Hamburg's media and digital economy in a productive exchange of knowledge.

As part of Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft, the largest municipal creative industries development organisation in Germany, we work closely with the City of Hamburg to continuously improve the framework conditions for the media and digital industry. In this way, we strengthen the competitiveness and innovative power of the industry with a clear goal: to make Hamburg the most attractive media and digital location in Germany.

Our partners

Artificial Intelligence Center HamburgBauer Media GroupBelievebrand einsCarlsen publishing houseDer SpiegelDeutsche Presse AgenturFischer AppeltFood BoomFunke Medien GruppeGEMAGoogleGruner und JahrHandelsblattInno GamesJung von MattHamburger MorgenpostNorddeutscher RundfunkNOZ MedienOMRPilotRocketbeans TelevisionRTLSnap Inc.Story DocksStröerTrustpilotWe Create GroupNext Reality HamburgDie Zeit Verlagsgruppex

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