AI & Media

April 27, 2023

Challenges and potentials of AI in the media industry

Together with the Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC), we regularly bring people interested in media together with AI experts to discuss artificial intelligence in the media industry. Before the open discussion round, there are always two exciting short presentations. From Creative AI, to the post-cookie era, to deepfakes – the latest topics around AI and Media are discussed here.

The event is held in German. Please check our German page for more information.

The last edition of AI & Media took place on April 27 on the topic “Content Automation”.

In Cooperation with
April 27, 2023, 16.30-18.00 pm, Veranstaltungsraum Oberhafen

Content Automation

Content generation with the help of various AI tools currently seems to be the topic of the day. And it can no longer be dismissed as a mere playful creation. Various products and tools show us that automatically generated content can be reliably and continuously integrated at certain points.

Together, we’ll take a look at two examples from the areas of editorial content and moving images. Where can automated content be integrated? To what extent is it really a one-click solution that no longer requires human curation? And where are the limits in terms of output quality and factual reliability?

Henning Johannesson

CPO, United Robots


SPEAKER #1: Henning Johannesson

AI in Publishing: How Swedes are getting local US newsrooms addicted to automated content

Local news publishers are looking to AI to help in their digital transformation. Swedish United Robots are veterans in this field. The company has provided automated editorial content to Scandinavian newsrooms since 2015, and is now rolling out its products across the US too. The secret sauce: reliable data combined with clever text robots and a platform providing a plug-and-play content feed directly into the publisher CMS.

SPEAKER #2: Elisabeth L'Orange


How AI will revolutionize e-commerce and advertising. Oxolo offers a solution for the automated creation of product videos that costs a fraction of what is needed for a standard video production. The only thing needed is a link.

Elisabeth L'Orange
Elisabeth L’Orange

CCO & Co-Founder, Oxolo GmbH


#6 Content Automation

Content generation with the help of various AI tools seems to be the current topic of the day. At the sixth edition of AI & Media, we took a look at two examples from the fields of editorial content and moving images together with our speakers Henning Johannesson from United Robots and Elisabeth L’Orange from Oxolo. Among other things, we discussed where automated content can be integrated.

#5 Breaking Down Deepfakes

Deepfakes have the potential to fundamentally change the media landscape. At the fifth edition of our AI & Media event, we discussed deepfakes with 25 participants and looked at social, technological and legal aspects. Exciting input was provided by Dalia Moniat from Kaeur Studio and Stephan Zimprich from Fieldfisher.

#4 Marketing Enabler AI

AI can significantly simplify our work in many areas and even enrich it with creative ideas. Nevertheless, the technology continues to meet with rejection, especially in the work environment, and is only used by a few for creative work. Together with the speakers Meik Vogler, CEO of the agency Yours Truly, and Ramin Ataei, Co-Founder of the social first agency Justaddsugar, we discussed the potential of AI in marketing and discussed concrete use cases.

#3 Creative AI

In the third edition of AI & Media, we looked at the creative potential of AI. The creative outputs of AI are developing in an impressive way: New models show that AI is not only suitable for creative experimentation, but can also be profitably integrated into daily business and content creation. Short presentations were given by Werner Bogula (ARIC) and Florian Woeste (Ada Lab). Read our interview with Florian Woeste about Creative AI here.

#2 post-cookie-era

The emerging post-cookie era brings many questions: What does tracking and targeting without third-party cookies mean for the content industry? What alternative identifiers are there and how can AI add value here? The second edition of AI & Media featured inspiring keynote speeches by Meik Vogler from Yours Truly and Tim-Patrick Saß from Lufthansa.

#1 (Con)Text AI

Especially since OpenAI published GPT-3, a new machine learning model and thus the latest generation of natural language algorithms, the automated generation of texts by AI algorithms has experienced an immense boost. At the kick-off of AI & Media, there were exciting short presentations on this topic by Kerstin Fröhlich from SPIEGEL and Dr. Lars Schwabe from Lufthansa Industry Solutions.

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As Community and Event Manager, Rouven is the contact person for the event area. He oversees nextMedia.Events such as the nextMedia.Sessions, event cooperations, the scoopcamp and the event community. He studied social economics with a focus on market-oriented management at the University of Hamburg and worked part-time in the music and audio sector. Most recently, he was involved in the business development of a multimedia project in the children and family sector and is also active as a musician in Hamburg.

Rouven Leonavicius

Community & Event Manager
T +49 40 / 23 72 435 61