City of Content-Tour

Make it in Hamburg - A bus tour to the most successful content companies

Come with us on a tour through the City of Content and visit four successful Hamburg-based content companies in one day.

We will show you the diversity of Hamburg’s content industry and introduce you to Hamburg-based companies, start-ups and media personalities who have successfully founded their businesses in Hamburg. They all say “I made it in Hamburg!” and we say: “You can make it, too!”

Hardly any other place is home to so many important agencies, platforms and content producers of national and international significance. Hamburg has a special ecosystem in which creative content and transformative technology are combined by various players.

We take you behind the scenes of Hamburg’s most successful content companies.

The next City of Content tour will take place in December. Subscribe to our newsletter and don’t miss the application start.

December 2024


30 content creators (graduates, young professionals, young founders, new leaders, etc.)




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Tour schedule

1st stop


We meet at 9:30 in the morning in our SPACE in the Speicherstadt, welcome you with coffee and Franzbrötchen, give you a tour of the SPACE and start the program together.

In the SPACE you will get to know the first company. You’ll soon find out which one – stay tuned!

1st stop

2nd stop


On foot through the Speicherstadt, the tour continues to Ströer. There you will gain insights into the work, campaigns and projects at Ströer, a leading company in the field of external and online advertising.

2nd stop

3rd stop

Jung von Matt NERD

We will take the bus to Schanze, where we will spend our lunch break with good food at Altes Mädchen. Afterwards you will get a tour and exciting input at Jung von Matt NERD.

3rd stop

4th stop

brand eins

The bus will then take you to brand eins, where you will be given a tour and learn more about the business magazine.

Once the official part of the tour is over, we invite you to end the day together with food and drinks at brand eins freiraum.

4th stop

Previous stations

NDR Logo
Rocket Beans TV
Carlsen Logo
Podstars Logo

Made it in Hamburg

Here we introduce you to some of Hamburg’s industry players from the City of Content.


Young professionals, students, graduates, young founders and all content creators who are interested in Hamburg as a location.

You can apply via our online form until November 19, 2023.

We curate the participants in order to put together a diverse group and to build an exciting network for you and the companies. We don’t proceed according to the first-come-first-serve approach. We pay special attention to the motivation and interests of the participants.

We’ll contact you on November 20, 2023 to let you know if you can join the tour.

We have about 1.5 hours at each company, which each company can fill individually. Tours of the companies, workshops and presentations are planned.


Louisa is a communications manager at nextMedia. She is responsible for industry communications. She studied sociology, political science and education in Munich and Freiburg. During and after her studies, she already gained experience in public relations and communications work, as well as in cross-media editorial work in documentary film production. Most recently, she led a media literacy project to support budding journalists at the Jugendpresse Deutschland e.V.

Louisa Zwenger

Communications manager
T +49 40 / 23 72 435 63