
Content Foresight Health 2020

Media use is being shaped by digitalization in a way it never has before. Established content companies who want stay ahead need to react adequately to ever faster developments, constantly adapting their business strategy to change. Investing in internal research is not enough, active participation in the market is vital.

To find answers to the questions of the future, we’ve established the Content Foresight series together with the Cross Innovation Hub of Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft.  After “Mobility” in 2019, the Focus of 2020 will be Content & Health.

Watch the recap of our Content Foresight Mobility Play Day 2019:


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After a great kick-off event our partner headed just into the foresight process. This week’s challgenge: “shaping the future”

Find here our press release for this year’s Content Foresight Edition (German only).

Content Foresight Mobility 2019: Click to find the press release and Blog post about last year’s Play Day (both German only).


Launch Content Foresight 2020

Kick-off event for interested start-ups and companies: Learn how you can benefit from Content Foresight – and who you could cooperate with.




No concepts for the drawer! Partner companies benefit not only from connectable results but from an open network – and vice versa.


Content meets Health

August to October 2020


Cross Innovation Hub
Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

In cooperation with:
Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg
Life Science Nord

Project partners:
Bauer Media Group
Eppendorf AG

Rohrbeck Heger

Marc Eppler


The Cross Innovation Hub is co-financed with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Content Foresight 2020 is all about the interface of Content & Health.

In which environments and scenarios will content be used in the future and which media and technologies will it be used for? Where are health offers needed and consumed in the future? What challenges, but also innovation potential, do the content and healthcare sectors share? Which business areas and developments can be identified at their interface, which trends and utopias can be formulated?

Together with companies from the healthcare industry, software and hardware manufacturers at the interface between content and tech and above all larger media houses, we would like to investigate how the reception of content in the health sector will change in the future. How do we have we react in order to do help shape changed use at an early stage? To do this, we are taking a look into the future of the fields of medical and biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, insurance and pension provision, nutrition, sport and lifestyle, and this year we are cooperating with theGesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg and Life Science Nord.


Do you want to help shape the content of the future? Are you open to interdisciplinary perspectives and ready to think two steps ahead? Or do you already have specific questions at the interface of content & health in mind?

As a company, you have the opportunity to develop approaches for the content of tomorrow in interdisciplinary co-creation processes. Based on a methodological basis, we jointly identify opportunity spaces for your industries and anticipate innovative and sustainable business models.

  • Strukturierter und fachlich betreuter Prozess über 6 Wochen: Konkrete Meilensteine, Workshops & freie Teamarbeit
  • Vermittlung und Anwendung fundierter Methoden der Trendforschung (Strategic Foresight) durch Expert*innen
  • Perspektivwechsel: Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit mit Key Playern der Health- bzw. Medien-/Contentbranche
  • Impulsvorträge und Visionen der Key Player der jeweiligen Branche
  • Mindset-Sensibilisierung und kreativer Freiraum
  • Anschlussfähigkeit: Identifikation konkreter Anforderungen & Entwicklungspotenziale
  • Nachhaltiges Innovationspotenzial für euer Unternehmen
  • Zugang zu einem offenen und innovativen Netzwerk
  • Sichtbarkeit und Positionierung als Innovationstreiber euer Branche und darüber hinaus
  • Mitgestaltung branchenrelevanter Diskurse und Entwicklungen
  • Vermarktung und Platzierung durch nextMedia.Hamburg & Cross Innovation Hub
  • Wählt bis zu 3 Mitarbeiter*innen aus

  • Idealerweise aus folgenden Bereichen: Innovationsmanagement, Strategie, Product Development, Business Development, Redaktion, Kreation u.a.

  • Bewerbungfrist bis 15. Juli 2020 (begrenzte Teilnehmer*innenzahl)

Frist verpasst vor lauter Corona? Lasst uns über Content Foresight 2021 sprechen – wir freuen uns auf eure Themenvorschläge.

Project partners in 2020:

In cooperation with:


We are launching Content Foresight 2020 together with all partners and project participants: key players from both industries share their visions, foresight specialists are opening new doors for innovative work and the participants are discussing the potential of their industries for the first time. Together we set the schedule for the upcoming weeks.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
© Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
© Photo by Diego Ph on Unsplash
Phase 1

Thinking the future

Every area has its challenges. In the first phase, the participants not only get to know the problems and visions of other industries, but also the strategic craft to master them. The foundations are created in order to identify potentials with foresight methods and interdisciplinary thinking and to start together in the future.

Phase 2

Shaping the future

In the second phase, guided by foresight experts, future scenarios and contexts at the content & health interface are to be modelled in order to anticipate specific challenges. And we go one step further: We derive so-called opportunity spaces from challenges, which allow the participating companies to identify new business areas. We start the next phase with the best and most promising concepts!

© Photo by Alice Dietrich on Unsplash
© Hello I’m Nik 685214 unsplash
Phase 3

Managing the future

The future is taking shape: the participating content and health experts work on the implementation potential of the opportunity spaces in interdisciplinary teams and transform them into specific requirement profiles – thereby laying the foundation for sustainable, innovative business models.

Play Day

What does the future of content look like at the interface to health topics? At our Play Day we celebrate the completion of the project and present the results to the public. Let’s go into the discourse together!

© Fidel Fernando 715382 unsplash
Content meets Mobility 2019

Partners & associates 2019